Poinsettia Plant Care

Holiday Poinsettia Plant Care:
Poinsettia care begins with proper light, water, and temperature conditions. During the holidays, while in full bloom, they typically enjoy semi-cool, humid locations in bright, indirect light with plenty of moisture.
Poinsettia plants should be watered thoroughly; taking care not to drown them by ensuring adequate drainage is available. Check the soil daily with your finger, if it feels dry it is time to water. If your plant is inside it should need water 1-2 times a week. Outside will be determined by light and temperatures.
*If your poinsettia is in a foil wrap, we suggest taking the plant out of its foil and setting the pot in a saucer of water. Let the plant sit for about 30 minutes then drain off the excess water. If you leave it in the foil be sure to empty the water out after 30 minutes to prevent root rot.
Once the flower bracts have fallen, you have the option of keeping it an additional year. Poinsettias can be planted outside in Florida from Central Florida to South Florida. Try to find a well well-drained area with partial shade. The cold north wind in the winter can be hard on poinsettias, so try to plant in a protected area. Poinsettias can be trimmed anytime during the summer to shape the plant, but do not trim after September 1.
Orban’s Nursery started growing poinsettias in 1945. You can read more about our history and the history of the poinsettia here.
Good Morning,
I am with the Siesta Key Kiwanis Club…Looking at information regarding purchasing Poinsettias, and or organizing a holiday fundraiser next year….
Thanks again for any information…
Hi Joe, Sorry for the delay we don’t keep track of this as well as we should. Please send us an email orbans1@verizon.net and we will get you all the poinsettia info for next year!