The Legend of the Poinsettia

Happy Poinsettia Day! December 12th was declared by Congress as National Poinsettia Day in honor of the passing of Joel Robinson Poinsett, a botanist and statesman who is credited with first bringing the beloved holiday blooms to the United States. Click here to learn more about the history of the poinsettia. But aside from the
- Published in Lifestyle, Uncategorized
Holiday Curb Appeal with Poinsettias

Be sure to join us for our Poinsettia Open House this Saturday, November 30th at 9601 9th Avenue NW, Bradenton, FL. You don’t need to be Clark Griswold to be the envy of your neighbors! Create a dramatic entrance and warm welcome this holiday season with poinsettias! No holiday is complete without poinsettias. Recently
- Published in Lifestyle, Uncategorized
Decorating with Poinsettias

Please join us at our annual Poinsettia Open House this Saturday, November 30th! In the meantime, here are some great tips on decorating with poinsettias so you can plan ahead. During the holiday season, no home is complete without the traditional poinsettia plant. The poinsettia is a treasured seasonal tradition. Learn more about its history
- Published in Lifestyle, Uncategorized