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Poinsettias are traditionally grown for the Christmas Holiday season, however, they are also used as landscape plants in south and central Florida. Available in a variety of sizes in decorative pot covers with protective sleeves, our Poinsettias are available at select stores and garden centers throughout Florida.
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Many organizations like schools, churches and non-profits have sold Orban's poinsettias as an easy, profitable holiday fund-raiser. They practically sell themselves during the holiday season. Our poinsettia specialists will help you create a program to help reach your financial goals. For orders placed after July 1, call us for a current inventory list.LATEST POSTS
- 12 December 2020 by Web Admin, in Uncategorized
Orban’s Now Has Retail: Come See Us
We have big news! We’re now open for retail! Come visit us Monday thru Sat...READ MORE + - 12 December 2019 by Web Admin, in Lifestyle,Uncategorized
The Legend of the Poinsettia
Happy Poinsettia Day! December 12th was declared by Congress as National Poinset...READ MORE + - 02 December 2019 by Web Admin, in Latest posts,Uncategorized
Poinsettia Plant Care
Holiday Poinsettia Plant Care: Poinsettia care begins with proper light, water, ...READ MORE +
Visit your local Publix for a selection of poinsettias
and annual hanging baskets
We continue to stay green by recycling our water, metals,
pots, cardboard, etc
We've been contract growing for five years and we are open to talking to other growers in need of product or space.